The Value of Real-World Data

The constraints inherent in traditional Clinical Trials pose considerable challenges to researchers who are dependent upon the goodwill and co-operation of healthcare providers and patients for valid outcomes.
Accessing EHR contemporaneously with ongoing RCT enables regular monitoring of real-time performance.
The automatic capture of topical data yields the benefit of a pre-emptive demonstration of product efficacy prior to established formal approval timelines. Reducing these timelines enables faster product implementation culminating in improved patient healthcare outcomes.
Post-hoc research is experiencing a renaissance in real-time application driven by increasing healthcare digitalisation and the concomitant access to RWD. Electronic Health Records (EHR) provide real-world data that have the twin benefits of enhancing post-hoc research outcomes and reducing time-dependent post-introductory study costs.
'...faster product implementation culminating in improved patient healthcare outcomes.'